
LokixReader {Chapter 20}

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"Are we done yet?" You asked Loki shortly after Tony left.
He shook his head, "Do you think I would be done with you after such a short while? No, no, we aren't going to leave this room until I'm sure that you've learned what I have to teach you."
You sighed, "So if I can't do magic, what in the world am I gonna learn now?"
Loki motioned around the room, "Go get one of those weapons."
You smiled evilly, giddily running over to the wall to pick though the very sharp weapons that seemed to be made out of every metal that you could ever name and lots more. However, one weapons caught your attention in particular, a dark looking crossbow that seemed to be just calling to you. You made your way to it, wrapping your fingers around the cool surface of the wood, the smooth feel of the engravings on the wood rubbing against your fingertips, a slight waver to the wood, almost as if smoke was coming off of it, a dark purple hue teasing the sides of your fingers and hand, a sort of comfort coming from the thing, as if it liked you and was clinging to you.
You could tell it was magical, hell; it was hard not to think that it wasn't, even if that magic you sensed was a little darker than what you had expected, you didn't want to drop it, scream and run away, you actually felt attracted to the darkness. You didn't know if it was the succubus part of you becoming attracted to the crossbow, or the human part, or maybe a little of both, but it entranced you almost as much as it made you a little sick in your stomach.
You held it closer, fingertips trailing down the smooth metal surface of the lath, admiring the curves of the elegant looking weapon.
Loki looked over at you, eyes widening as he laid his eyes on the weapon you were holding, "Do you know what that is?"
You replied sarcastically, "No, actually, is it a sword? I have no idea what this is!"
Loki growled, "Or better, do you know who's this is?"
You turned slightly to face him, "Ah, no?"
He pointed to the weapon you held in your hands, "It's the Cursed Crossbow of Lilith, y/n. It doesn't react to anyone who isn't a succubus or…"
"Or what?" You pressed when he wouldn't continue.
He said nothing, despite your voiced protests, he wouldn't tell you, which irritated you to no end, "LOKI! Tell me!" You yelled, ready to get on your knees and beg if you had to, but he'd like that too much, you knew, way too much.
"Nothing, nothing."
You growled low and deep in your throat, "I'm tired of you keeping stuff from me, Loki, and you know I'm more than capable of finding it out myself with or without your help."
You faced you, a dark fire in his eyes, "Then try, why don't you? If you claim to be so resourceful, my dear, why don't you show me?"
You laughed, placing one hand on your hip, putting on the most defiant look you could muster, "Maybe I will then, after all, I wouldn't want you to waste your breath telling me what I want to know. After all, I am just a succubus, we don't matter, do we!?" You screamed that last part, turning on your heel and racing out the door before Loki could stop you, still holding the crossbow, not bothering to care if anybody saw you with it, it wasn't even loaded anyway.
You stopped about a minute later, having run down several hallways, you had hardly kept track, and now that your temper had subsided after its brief spike, you found yourself wondering how you blew your top so easily. You whimpered, sinking down to the floor and sliding over to the wall, bringing your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them, tilting your forehead to rest on your knees, not bothering to look up when you heard soft footsteps approaching you.
It wasn't long before you felt a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to look upwards, surprised to see that Sif was kneeling in front of you, "Are you okay? Has Loki hurt you?"
You shook your head, "No, I just got mad at him, and I left… It was stupid, really, I feel like an idiot for storming out on him…"
Sif took her hand off your shoulder, placing it on her knee, "It's alright, y/n, he'll understand, after all, he has outbursts all the time," Her gaze lowered to the crossbow that lay half in your hand and half on the floor, "You had Lilith's crossbow, I see."
You nodded, "I think it likes me…"
Sif laughed, "I wouldn't doubt it, it only reacts to the touch of a succubus."
"Yeah, Loki told me that, he started to say something else too, but stopped himself."
Sif nodded thoughtfully, "He didn't want to tell you. He was probably afraid of what you might think."
You raised your eyebrows, "W-what? What's so bad about having a crossbow react to your touch?"
Lady Sif stood an offered you her hand, which you took, still keeping Lilith's crossbow in your hand, you liked the weight for some odd reason, yet another thing that you were somewhat weirded out by.

Sif lead you down many hallways, Tony was right, it was like a labyrinth, taking you down into a dimmer lit hallway, to a place that lead to a corridor with a darkly stained wooden door at the end, shimmering with inlaid gold in the spiraling carvings, making it stand out against the dim lighting, making it shimmer darkly.  You had the impression that she was taking you into some sort of library, but you were surprised to see that it wasn't such a place, but Sif's room, everything shrouded in gold and a deep scarlet red, a massive bed dominating the room, several shimmering red veils covering the entrance to the bed.
Your eyes swooped across the room, taking the marvel of her bed chambers; it was as awesome as Loki's was. You were surprised to find out that when you breathed in you could smell the faintest hint of cinnamon, not too much, which was good, the smell always burned your throat if it was too overpowering. "So, why did you take me here?"
"Privacy," she stated bluntly, "I don't think Odin would approve of me telling you this, even if Heimdall is watching… I think you need to be brought up to speed on what you truly are, and not kept in the dark, for you are one of the last remaining of your kind, or so I've heard."
You made your way to the stairs leading up to Sif's bed and sat down while you watched her take a seat next to you, her legs out in front of her rather in the position you were sitting in with both legs tucked under you.
She took a couple of moments before she started speaking, like she wanted to be sure of what she was saying before she actually said it.
"You see, a very long time ago there were many more succubi and incubi than there are now, enough to fill a whole realm, and these creatures lived in Muspelheim, with the fire demons. Lilith was the mother of all of the succubi and incubi, and they were not allowed to leave Muspelheim, for Hel, Loki's daughter, would not allow it. Lilith wanted out, she wanted to seduce a Jotun king and help him take over Asgard. There, she had her most talented craftsmen build her that crossbow, and enchant it so that it could only be hers to use. But she was smart, if she died, the enchantment would go away, and a weapon this powerful and chaotic, if in the hands of the wrong person, would be the bane of everything good and light in all of the nine realms. So, to make the enchantment last, she would pass it on to her heir, the one that will bring back the Lillin to its full and former glory."
You were speechless; you lifted your hand up to your mouth to keep yourself from making a noise that sounded like a deflating balloon.
So, you were the one who was going to bring back Lilith's children to their full and former glory huh? Oh, gods, you thought, that's gonna be a lot of kids…"
Sif sighed, "Now you see why Loki was so reluctant to tell you in the first place. I shouldn't have told you either, but my opinions are a bit different than those of Odin."
You nodded silently, speaking so softly you didn't think Sif could hear you, "So… I'm the new Lilith?"
Sif sighed, "In a sense, you won't have to mother all of those children, that's for sure, but you will be the most powerful succubus that had ever been seen, even more powerful than Lilith that is."
"To think I was complaining over math homework weeks ago, and now I have to deal with being a succubus, wonderful." You mused to yourself, laughing almost humorlessly.
Sif smirked, "It does seem a bit odd, doesn't it, you thought yourself a normal girl before, and now you think of yourself that is much different."
You lifted up the crossbow, "Well, there are some perks, this crossbow does look pretty sick."
Sif raised an eyebrow, "I don't understand… How can a crossbow be ill? It cannot catch ailments."
You shook your head, a smile on your lips, "No, no, it's just slang Midgardians use to say something is cool."
Sif smiled at you, a slight laugh coming from her throat, "Why can't you just use words that have already been established, it would save a lot more time trying to figure out what they mean."
You sighed, "My mom said that to me once, no offense though, she doesn't get what she calls 'teen language'."
Sif chuckled, turning to face you, "I don't get your language, and the only person I can really understand now is Steve!"
You giggled furiously, "Sometimes I can't understand much of it either, Sif, and sometimes I wonder why we can't start talking like Shakespeare again or something that would make us sound twenty times cooler!"
"You do have quite the personality don't you?" She sighed, "You aren't as daft as the other Midgardians."
"I'm not, I'm a succubus!" You giggled, "Ah, I guess I just like acting different. It makes me feel like I'm special."
Sif rolled her eyes, "Loki certainly thinks you are. You should have seen the way he looked at you the other night!"
"Oh, do tell!" You hopped up, sitting on your knees, an intrigued look in your eyes.
Short chapter, I know, I know, chapter 21 will be up soon. I promise,....

In other news though, I've recently (As in, like a month ago) found a site on tumblr that had me addicted, and even though you could say I have an addictive personality, it really is amazing. It's about Loki, obviously, so if you want, you can check it out. Link BELLOOOOOWWW


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bandbabe2009's avatar
SO I am actually happy that I am Lilith's Heir? THis is incredibly bad. I'm in trouble, the rest of the incubus and succubi will be out looking for me, now that they have a new ruler. THIS IS BAD BAD BAD! The bow does look awesome, but this is seriously bad. Why did I have to be a demon? Seriously, I keep forgetting that Hel is Loki's Daughter. WHo the heck is the mother then? Loki, stop with teaching me magic, this is bad and i am going to get the 9 realms destroyed. THIS IS BAD! Onward to chapter 21~